.the elc. | THE KLACKNERS


.the elc.

Once upon a time ::or back in high school:: I worked at this wonderful camp called Eagle Lake.  It's in the beautiful state of Colorado, set back deep in Pike National Forest.  Working on Crew there was one of the best experiences of my life.  I met amazing people and grew in my walk with the Lord.

Well I was catching up with an old friend from Eagle Lake a couple weeks ago.
She was one of the girls in my Bible study my second summer out there.
Her name is Beth.  
You can ::and by that I mean you should:: check out her blog here.

In the process of catching up, Beth said she was going back to ELC for another summer as a Crew counselor.  Let me just say that I have always wanted to go back as a counselor, but it never worked out during my college years.  She asked what I was doing, and encouraged me to apply to be a counselor out there this summer.

I thought, "why not?"
It couldn't hurt to apply and just see if the Lord opens that door.
So I applied and waited.

This morning I had my interview.
And this afternoon I got offered the job as a counselor this summer!

I am overjoyed and feel completely blessed to have this opportunity.

I cannot wait!  All summer long I get to hang out with high school kids, teach them about the love of Christ, and invest in their lives!
What a privilege.

Not only that, but I get to serve alongside my beautiful friend Beth again!
AND my seester, Laney, has applied for Crew.  bonus!!

I'm really excited to see how the Lord works in my life, the other counselor's lives, and kid's lives.  Please be praying that the Lord would be preparing all of our hearts for what He is going to show us this summer.
