.sweet sunda{e}s. | THE KLACKNERS


.sweet sunda{e}s.

I love Sundays & sundaes.
But this evening I went into the kitchen...which is still out of order to get some ice cream.  I open the freezer door and what do I find?  No ice cream.
I said to myself, "this is OUTRAGEOUS!"
And then I got over it and went back to my room.
But I could totally go for one of these right about...now.

Okay.  My chocolate cravings are beside the point.
I promised y'all more valentine's themed posts.
So here's a little something for ya.
I made a valentine's playlist today!
It contains a very diverse range of musicians and genres.
I love it.
I think I'll listen to it for at least the whole month of February.
Here are some of the artist and songs::

Yes. Justin Bieber is on there.
Don't judge me.
You know you love him.
Plus for you J. Bieber fans...
on valentine's day...

No. In case you were wondering.
I am not being serious at all.
I just can't help but laugh.
That kid.
Oh dear.
Elizabeth said...

and i think bieber is just as cute as a button... the reasons why we r friends just keep going on and on..

can't wait for life talks on the blog tower {love you}