this is the story of a girl name aimie.
one of my best friends in college.
aimie was a friend of my brother's before she was a friend of mine.
before i ever officially met her, she and two boys i knew rolled my house.
so that was my first impression of this red headed girl...a vandalizing prankster. ;)
soon after this, we were officially introduced, i forgave her for the toilet papering incident
and we became fast friends. we were involved in the same campus ministry, played ruthless games of ultimate frisbee, went on road trips, grew in our relationships with Jesus, and had countless adventures together.
then we graduated and went our separate ways. well, i stayed to hold down the fort here in chattanooga, and she went. she came back and i left for colorado. i still remember the day i received the letter. i was working at camp, sitting on the deck outside the dining hall, reading mail i had gotten that day. aimie wrote that she had met a guy who could play piano and could sing like a dream. she thought he could be the one...for very valid reasons, obviously. of course, i had to wait for a phone call to hear the whole story.
she met this boy while perusing the clearance mugs at starbucks. they both reached for the same mug at the same time. yes, you read that right. it's like a cheesy chick flick that we all laugh at and call "ridiculous and unrealistic" but secretly wish it would happen to us.
note: i've visited the clearance section at starbucks many times since then and i have yet to meet prince charming. i guess it doesn't work the same way twice. shoot.
back to the story. they went on a date and then another and another, fell in love, and got married last May. she and her man moved to mississippi soon after to help with the family business. and yes, i start singing faith hill's [mississippi girl] whenever i talk about aimie now. a few weeks ago the college besties and i all received a text with the good news. aimie is preggs! baby barton will be here in september. and i cannot wait. i have already labeled myself as an adopted aunt.
aimie, i know you are going to be a wonderful mama. there will be beautiful days, hard days, days when you'll want to hide in the bathroom, and days when you will feel completely overwhelmed by what you have been blessed with. with Jesus in your heart and your hubs by your side, i pray you will approach these days with grace, patience and love.
i love you and can't wait to meet your little one!
p.s. i hope your baby is a ginger. that would be the greatest.
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