real life moment: this is me. messy hair, sitting in my ikea chair, typing away. you're welcome.
i've played around with the idea of opening a print shop for a while now.
i've hesitated because:
a) i have a real fear of failure
b) i'm nervous to put my meager creations out on the world wide web for errrrbody and their mom to see and judge
c) my computer died in a tragic accident where i had to delete its memory in order to save its life. poor baby mac. in the process, i lost my photoshop program. so here i am, several months later, using a trial version, until i'm forced to pay again :)
today // i have finally decided that i need to be brave and start sharing some designs with you. so here we are. the point of this for me is not to be the best (because i know i'm not), or to makes lots of money (who needs it? ha!), but to keep my creativity flowing and to continue learning. to work on something that i really love and enjoy. that's when i thrive most. who knows, maybe someday i'll actually be good at this ;)
my goal over the next two months is to design at least six different prints to put in the shop. i want to teach myself something new in photoshop each week. i've been obsessed with the gold foil trend going on these days, so that's what i wanted to focus on first. last weekend i sat at my desk, watched tutorials, ate too much ice cream, and put together a few designs. and guess what? i designed an iphone wallpaper for you! i'm thinking i'd like to give you a new one every week or so. how does that sound? okay? great!
download this:
on top of starting to design prints, the blog is getting a makeover and some other fun changes this fall!! i'm really excited for you to see it. :) now, go be awesome today.
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