etsy crushes // NO. 1 | THE KLACKNERS


etsy crushes // NO. 1

happy august, everybody! this is one of my favorite months.

a. because it's my birthday that too self-centered?
b. it means autumn is one month closer!
c. august is just such a great name. am i right? [any once upon a time fans out there? august is possibly my favorite male character on that show & i'm super upset they turned him back into little boy pinocchio!]

so lately i've been obsessing over different prints on etsy. one of my dreams is to have a print/photography shop some day, but until that gets up and running, i'll just continue to crush on super cute etsyness. i'm pretty sure i've actually dreamed about this //be true// print from lindsay's letters. it's my fave.

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6
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