adventures in colorado // cheyenne mountain zoo | THE KLACKNERS


adventures in colorado // cheyenne mountain zoo

every time i'm in colorado springs, i take a trip to the zoo. every time. you can find some photographic evidence of that here and here. best friend and her hubs used to have a membership and we would go when i was out for a visit. it's like going on a safe and secure safari adventure! so when liz found out i was coming on this business trip with her, the first thing she said was "i want to go to that zoo your friends take you to!" the zoo::i talk about it to anyone who will listen.

the giraffes are my absolute favorite. i could probably stay at that exhibit all day long. they are so graceful and awkward all at the same time...sort of like me. bahahaha. it's a gift, people. it's a gift.

we spent a couple hours wandering around the zoo, checking out the animal kingdom, and breathing in the fresh colorado mountain air. i also may or may not have sung half the songs from the lion king. 
the cirrrrrrcle of liiiiiiiife. YOLO.

// what's you favorite part about the zoo? //
p.s. the penguins make me sad.