snail mail collective. | THE KLACKNERS


snail mail collective.

in september, i joined in on the snail mail collective hosted by lost in travels and the nectar collective. now, y'all know how much i love snail mail. as in the mailbox is the first thing i check when i get home from work. and my first question when i get home is "did i get any mail?" so when i found out about the snail mail collective, i was all about it.

i was paired with briel banks, who you can read about over on her blog. i'd just like to thank her for being patient with me this month while i've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. i was seriously so scattered and disorganized, which if you know anything about me, you'd know isn't very true to nature. when i got back from my business trip on sunday night, my snail mail package from briel was waiting for me. let me just say, my snail mail to her pales in comparison.

girl, you went above and beyond. thank you so much. your package was so sweet and thoughtful. i can't wait to look through the magazines you sent. i've already been inspired by the photography and projects i've glimpsed while flipping through the pages. seriously, thank you for being so kind and patient, and good luck with your move! can't wait to see updates on the victorian house you are helping to restore! :)

// have you received any fun snail mail recently? //