today, i am at home, sick with a sore throat, headache, and a stuffy nose. say it ain't so!
i knew y'all would want to be notified.
i hate having to take sick days from work because i don't get many each year. four to be exact. and i'd rather save my sick days for when i'm deathly ill and may need to take a whole week off. this, of course, has never happened (except for that one time last year when i broke my foot and had emergency surgery on my neck), so i like to be prepared. here's the thing about sick days. your company gives them to you to use, but you're scared to use them because you don't want to get behind on your work OR because you're saving them for a rainy day. i always feel super judged when i take a sick day, but i have some things to say about that.
a// it's MY sick day to take if i need to
b// the world will go on turning if you take a sick day. your work can and will wait until monday, so calm down.
c// i HATE it when people come in sick to work. it's selfish and rude. so i'm certainly not going into work when i'm sick and could get my coworkers sick and wipe out my whole department with the plague!! sorry, was that dramatic? must be the nyquil...
all that to say. i'm staying home today and i won't feel bad about it. i'm drinking hot tea, eating soup, watching some Sherlock (BBC version, of course), getting the rest i need, and popping cough drops like nobody's business. over and out.
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